Actor and musician NaakMusiQ secured a win against Cassper Nyovest on Saturday in the CelebCity boxing match. He shocked those who thought the super-confident rapper would snatch the win.
After months of hyping the celebrity boxing match and what felt like a thousand minutes’ worth of delays on Saturday night, rapper Refiloe ‘Cassper Nyovest Phoolo and musician Anga NaakMusiQ Makubalo put on an exciting show for thousands of viewers.
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Knowing there could only be one winner, fans and industry friends of the pair placed bets on their favorite. They also took to the socials to back either TeamCassper or TeamNaak.
While the pair gave spectators an exhilarating match, NaakMusiQ proved the better boxer and took home the coveted belt.
Naak proved that although he wasn’t loud about his preparations for the match, he had put in the work.