There was high expectation from date rush lovers for Ali and Fatima to go on a date together. But things did not turn out as expected. Many saw Ali to be a match for Fatima but such pairing was just a mere imagination. It never came into reality after Ali had a different date. Fatima also has her type of man or date from the show.
Ali was chosen as the right type of guy by Shemima who was also there for a date. Amidst the delay which Fatima experienced, she also got her desired man a few weeks Ali had his.
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However, issue of their pairing arouse again due to their appearance and exhibition their dancing skills on 360 showbiz. The show is hosted by Geovani Caleb. In the video, both tried giving the same dance moves which even generated reactions from people.
People have expressed their concern on how they look good together. Most people are looking forward to see them have a date together. Am sure this wish may be difficult to be granted since Ali has already confessed his love to Shemima which even went viral.
Watch video of both dancing below.