You Both Look Good Together – Fan Tells Amerado Burner And Delay (Video)

It is clearly not known if Amerado Burner was the “somebody’s son” Delay was referring to when she earlier on stated she will surely be taken by someone’s son.

The two have been sighted in a video sharing lovely moment no one thought could happen. Casting our minds back, Ghanaian rapper, Amerado Burner made known his love intentions to Delay on her show.

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But the host rejected the musicians plea claiming she is older than him so that cannot be possible. But currently the two in a video have been spotted together as though they are couples.

In the video the rapper could be seen relaxing his head comfortably on the shoulders of Deloris Frimpong Manso who is often referred to as Delay.

Fans after watching the video posted by Delay herself have ask both to settle down as husband and wife.


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