Gyakie, who is the daughter of popular musician, Nana Acheampong has once again brought smiles on the faces of Ghanaians. She is gradually following the footsteps of her father, known in real as Jackline Acheampong widely known as Gyakie. Her hard work is paying off.
Ever since she made entrance into the music industry, her music has been widely accepted and positive. She is known for her songs with Bisa K. Dei,…. but however she got the attention from people in different countries after releasing her song titled ‘forever’.
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Her song has gain massive attention which made Nigerian singer, Omah Lay jump unto the “Forever” song for a remix.
The Nigerian artist after listening to the song got convinced and decided to have a remix with the female musician. Although the idea wasn’t bad, some people felt Omah Lay just wanted to tap into the glory of the musician. Since that is what most song makers do when they find out a colleague has a hit.
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This however did not prevent the two from coming up with the remix. And the surprising aspect is that, the song people tried to rebuke has generated massive views of 10 million on youtube. Congratulations Gyakie on your 10k views.
Her music is really doing well both in Ghana and other countries.