I Want To Quit School And Concentrate On My Boyfriend – Lady Reveals

A young lady on Twitter, who goes by the name Chinasa has revealed that she wants to leave school to focus on her boyfriend.

In reality, this is how most people react when they are deeply in love, some tend to act silly and foolishly. This doesn’t surprise many as we have seen many of these activities on social media

Judgment from her statement, her attentions might be towards saving her relationship because she might not be having enough time for her boyfriend due to school activities.

“I abandoned my rigorous job as an academic director for an inner city charter school in 2017 because my work was disrupting my honeymoon.

I realized I couldn’t carry my professional stress into our marriage – it would be doomed to collapse before it had a chance to begin,” she said.

“Reflecting back over my life has taught me that I had an idea of Love or what I thought love was. Because I had an idea of love and didn’t know what love really was, I did some pretty stupid and dumb things. And it kept me in denial.

Being in love can help make you let down your guard that is for sure. When someone falls in love the person might seem to have changed. Share the weirdest thing you have ever did for love and what’s your little advise for this sister .”


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