Many Ghanaian celebrities have added their voice to the on going sad incidence happening in Ghana. Among those who have expressed their concern and worry towards the incident is popular Ghallywood actor Prince David Osei. This is in accordance to the shooting of two youths of Ejura, a community in the Ashanti Region is .
The actor is described as one who keeps silence on national issues because he campaigned for the current government. But the actor has proven critics wrong showing them he also cares about his nation. He shared his opinion and frowns upon the shooting of two young men in the midst of protesters.
The cause of the protest is said to have been triggered from the death of Ibrahim from Ejura. He was described as one of the #fixthecountry activist on social media.
The actor took to his twitter to add his voice upon hearing news of another killing and injury of youths. He twitted, “Aiming at protesters and shooting at them is a No No what happened to tear gas, rubber bullets… let’s pray for Ghana like joke like joke we about destroying the peace we enjoy as a nation”!!
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He added, “Few weeks ago we were voted the 2nd most peaceful country in Accra! Pray4Ghana”. From the tweet, it has been observed he feels disappointed in the security of the country. Using gun to calm a protest instead of using some mentioned items he highlighted wasn’t right.
See below to read his tweet.