A Twitter user with the handle name @Qwe_djo has made a confession which going viral. This has caught the attention of others on this social interaction platform too.
In his tweet, he said that “So now I have to go all the way to Madina because of tv antenna? Date Rush b3 ku y3″. He went on to say he used to stream it live on Facebook but always behind when streaming.
READ ALSO: Sammy KNUST Breaks Heart on TV3 Date Rush Show
This came as a funny but exciting news because another user replied it totally worth it. The TV3 Date Rush has created some sort of fun moments for Ghanaians every Sunday evening. After church and other activities, you get to relax and watch your favorite show.
For all who watch the program, it has become a norm to stay glued to your seats and watch date rush at 8 pm every Sunday. Through this people who comes in search of a date on this platform have gained popularity.