Shemima of date rush burst into tears as her date Ali breaks up with her officially. Shemima with Tiktok username shemima_daterush8 posted a video of her crying on Tiktok to confirm the breakup between her and her date, Ali.
She said it is finally over and she is now single and free even though it is painful.
In the video, Shemima said;
“Guys I hope everyone is doing good, it has finally ended in tears and I cannot hold my tears anymore. I have been crying all day but I just have to cope and be ok. The most painful thing about this is, you going on the national television to look for love and it finally ends in tears.”
“The whole world and everyone knows that Shemima and Ali are dating, things are serious between them and they are cool. You know, I can’t hold my tears and I think I have to cope with whatever is going on. I’m really sad but I have to move on with my life. People have been approaching me but because we were dating I’m avoiding everyone around me. It’s very sad to here this finally”
“It’s very very sad, I can’t hold my tears anymore. But i just have to let everyone know that there is nothing going on between me and Ali, it’s over and seriously I have regretted going on date rush. I Mima, Shemima I have regretted going to date rush. I have regretted and I know a lot of people have said when you go on date rush it will finally end in tears. Yes, mine has finally end in tears.”
Screenshot of the post on Tiktok
“It’s serious so it’s over, I’m living my single life, I’m really really living my single life, its over between me and Ali. And I thank God that he really showed that early with his attitude that he is not interested in it. A lady threatening me always in my “Dm” to leave Ali. He was already dating before I took him on stage and this lady keeps on threatening me and I have to just move on”
“He said he cannot be with me anymore and I have to stop. So I have to let social media and everyone know that it is over between me and Ali. Yes it’s over, I’m moving on with my life, I’m single.”
She ended with that and she was all teary and crying because of the breakup. She also captioned it, #singlemom.
My dear, it’s okay it’s part of life and you are still alive and why are you crying for stop crying God is in control of everything we pass through in life, I don’t know if you will like to marry someone who is not rich but let me hear from you soon sweetie. God loves you that’s why he saved from there. Thank you for understanding.
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